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7 Ways to Safely Spring Clean while Pregnant

7 Ways to Safely Spring Clean while Pregnant

If the promise for warmer weather doesn’t inspire you to do some spring cleaning, The Home Edit’s new season release on Netflix certainly will. However, when you’re also growing a tiny human, you can’t necessarily tackle cleaning like you did pre-pregnancy. Here are a few tips to ensure you’re keeping yourself (and baby) safe while you tidy up.


Read the labels

Whether you’re shopping or using what you already have on-hand, take your time to read the label. There may be a number of chemicals found in everyday products that can be toxic to pregnant moms. Now is the time to read labels. If you’re unsure, don’t use it. That chemical could be more dangerous than whatever dust or grime you’re cleaning.

Avoid bleach, oven and tile cleaners

These are some of the strongest cleaning products you can use, but unfortunately they can be harmful to you and baby. Just avoid these altogether and know it’s best to swap them for less potent all-purpose cleaners.


Make your own cleaning solution

When in doubt, and even if you’re not the DIY-type, making your own cleaning solution is very simple. There are a lot of recipes out there, but basically all you need is water and white vinegar. Then you make it smell nice utilizing what you already have.  If you have essential oils, this is an easy add-in, or you can even use fresh lemon juice. There are a number of essential oils it is best to avoid while pregnant. Here’s our suggested recipe:

  • 13 oz. warm water
  • ½ cup of white vinegar
  • 15 drops of grapefruit essential oil
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 7  drops of lemon essential oil 
  • Swirl together in a spray bottle and label

Wear gloves

You won’t regret wearing gloves while you clean. Even when replacing the common household cleaners, err on the side of caution and comfort. It’ll protect the integrity of your hands and you’ll notice. While it may seem obvious, resist the inevitable itch that may occur anywhere on your face with your gloves.

Let someone else paint

You’ve heard this one before. If you’re really refreshing your space, let someone else do the painting for you. Actually, most paints are safe for pregnancy, however some are not. They may contain traces of lead or solvents, which are toxic to baby. Not to mention, painting can be physically challenging and require standing on ladders, etc. You deserve to relax and let someone else do this one for you, Momma.


Open the windows

Ventilation is even more important while you clean. It reduces the chance of inhaling anything you’re cleaning (hello, dust!) or your cleaning solution. It’ll also help keep you from getting lightheaded. Take it slow, momma. This isn’t the time or activity to rush. Let that spring breeze in and pause for some deep inhales. Go ahead and revel in all your hard work.

Wash your hands

This might be obvious, but remember to wash your hands as you clean, before you touch your face or any snacks you might consume during or after your cleaning session. Your hands will appreciate some lotion after you hang up those gloves and sanitize your hands for good measure. 

If you can’t clean for any medical reasons or don’t have the time, but have the money, hire a pro cleaner. Tell them what products you want them to use (and not use), or lay those products out for them. If there are specific parts of your house you want special attention given, show them where that is (i.e. window frame tracks, top of open air cabinets, etc.)


You may experience a strong urge to clean, clean, clean at some point in your pregnancy. That’s normal "nesting" to an extent, but we can’t stress enough for you to take it easy in the process. Resist the urge to go above and beyond in your nesting cleaning spree. Be sure you know about perinatal OCD, so you can be sure you’re safe during this precious time in your life. 


Happy cleaning and happy spring, Momma!

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