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5 Ways Expecting + New Dads can show their Support

5 Ways Expecting + New Dads can show their Support

So you're an expecting dad or a brand new dad...

It's here you'll find ways you can optimally show your support to your birthing partner.


1. Gift your partner a pre-packed hospital birth bag. This takes so much time and stress (not to mention $$$) to pack yourself. You'll be a hero - buy it here.

2. Start making paternity leave plans, now. Check with your HR department to clarify your paid leave benefits, then make a plan with your partner in the spirit of much-needed in-person support and maximize family bonding.


1. Evidence suggests that 1 in 4 couples experience a pregnancy loss/miscarriage. Have a plan and a commitment to process your grief together, so it doesn't consume you.

2. Keep the paternity leave plans you made - you're going to need it; don't give that up. You need this time and your partner needs you, too.


1. When the time finally comes, be it early or late, don't underestimate the power of your presence. Be enduringly present with your partner through every contraction. Your presence and commitment to your partner's side is powerful. PRO TIP: use what you learned in birth class, because you should definitely take a birth class.

2. Your partner is in labour and may not be able to articulate their needs in the throws of contractions. If your partner made a birth plan, you can always refer to that. It's time to speak up in advocacy, otherwise choices will be made for you with or without your consent.


1. You did it! *wipes sweat of the forehead* Bask in the moment - celebrate this miracle you accomplished together in body and spirit.

2.Give genuine praise and bold affirmation to your partner for enduring the birth process!


1. Your job has never been more important, than now. You need to be both observant and participatory. 

A. Observant of your partner's behavior. If you don't know already, get informed about postpartum mental health disorders such as postpartum depression and anxiety and psychosis. They're sadly more common than you'd expect and it can happen to anyone who just gave birth. 

B. Participatory in actively helping with your partner's recovery and baby's adjustment. Be curious how you can be the best dad you can be. If you don't know how to do something, research it or ask another dad. Unburden your partner. 

2. Off-load daily chores around the house. Prepare for disturbances in the usual maintenance of your home. There's a few ways to adjust, but one is not expecting your partner to maintain the usual household duties. Either hire someone to take care of laundry, dishes, meals, errands, pets, or you assume that role, or you learn to live with things a little out of order. What approach can you both agree to live with and prioritize your partner's recovery and bonding with baby?


What would you add to this list? How can we help you make these happen? Comment, DM us @babyboldly or drop us an email at and we'll be sure to reply!


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