11 Books for Your Journey to and through Motherhood

If you are a book junkie like us, we know you’ll appreciate these remarkable reads. As mommas, we don’t have much time to read, so when we do, we make sure it’s worth it. Whether you’re looking for guidance, re-assurance, or a relatable laugh, these books are some of the best we’ve found.
1. “Motherly’s Guide to Becoming Mama”
It’s been a while since a truly comprehensive pregnancy guide was written. The co-founders of Motherly co-authored this book with their Digital Education Editor forming an insightful and inclusive, easy-to-understand, proverbial “walk”-through-pregnancy style book for expectant mommas.
2. “The New Rules of Pregnancy”
If you prefer straight to the point, quick, yet thoughtful information - this is your modern day pregnancy guide.
3. “Mama Natural’s Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth”
If you’re interested in understanding how to take a more natural approach to your pregnancy and birth - this is the guide for you. It’s in depth and informative and the author’s sense of humor is delightful.
4. “Bonkers”
If you’ve given birth and are in the throes of motherhood, this book provides relatable comic relief to those “moments” only a mom would understand. You’ll be laughing and nodding your head - a lot!
5. “Good Moms have Scary Thoughts”
A wonderfully illustrated book focused on relating to the mommas who are experiencing maternal mental health disorders such as postpartum depression, anxiety and more. It breaks the silence that generations of mothers before us seemingly smiled through, reassuring lonely mommas that they are not alone in their silent pain.
6. “The 4th Trimester”
A beautiful book about the lesser known trimester that follows birth. The first 90 days following birth are assuredly unique and clearly underestimated by most mommas-to-be, found in the high rate of maternal mental health disorders and alarming rate of maternal mortality in America. This book focuses on what to expect and how to prepare for the fourth trimester.
7. “The First 40 Days”
Just as the title reads, this book focuses on the first forty days after momma gives birth to her baby/babies. The nutritional needs for a new mom during this segment of time are particularly unique and require some special preparation. It shares how to best prepare to care for her new nutritional needs with ingredients and recipes and how attentiveness to this can impact the way she experiences the rest of her recovery from birth and transition into motherhood.
8. “Strong as a Mother”
It’s one of our most favorite phrases and is a genuine read for mommas who want to ensure they take great care of themselves from the inside out. How we care for ourselves and allow our inner circle to care for us as mommas enables us to grow into our best version of ourselves.
9. “Slay Like a Mother”
Okay, if you have any sliver of self-doubt and you’re a momma, this book is for you. Momm’in ain’t easy and this book cuts right to the chase so you can overcome the most common experience that plagues all mommas - self-doubt.
10. “Where the Wild Moms Are”
This is an adorable take on the childhood classic “Where the Wild Things Are”, except it of course features mommas. Definitely on the lighter side of this reading list, it’s charming combination of simplicity and accuracy is reassuring to tired mommas.
11. “This is Ridiculous. This is Amazing”
We feature this book in our “Fully Prepared” tier of our non-toxic, pre-packed hospital birth bags - “Belly & Bag”. Why? Because it’s hysterical and that’s because everything in it is shared across all experiences in parenthood. It’s silly before you’re a parent and it gets funnier the further into parenthood you grow. Afterall, parenthood is both ridiculous and amazing...
You can find most of these, but not all, on Audible, if that’s a more convenient way for you to read. These books make for thoughtful gifts and can even be enjoyed with other parents or parents-to-be. Which one would you start reading first? #babyboldly